Sound Healing
Sound Healing
It really is strange times. Opinions have become poisonous, tensions are high and everybody is suffering. A society is only as free as it allows its artists to be and everybody is afraid. Totalitarianism is running rampant and privacy is disappearing. Fear has been ramped up. I can hear it in the Music. Nobody says anything anymore. I’m waiting for somebody to have an interesting take on the current state of the world. For somebody to say something that resonates deeply within me. All I hear is crickets. Recycled cliches of borrowed genres. I want to have a voice myself but I stumble upon this same fear. Fear of cancellation, fear of criticism and general debilitating self deprecation. I know I’m not the only one that feels it. It means that something is missing. A certain rawness and honesty. A denial of the complexity and nuance of human existence. A denial of self. The promotion of a completely disingenuous self. A perfectly curated, airbrushed and filtered version of You. A two dimensional version. No flaws but no depth. No personality.
Are we broadcasting fear through this disingenuous behaviour? Changing the very wavelength that we operate on? Definitely. On a quantum level we are made up of particles vibrating. Therefore, it is not far fetched to say that the frequencies we consume have an positive affect on these particles.
Consume Fear… Vibrate Fear... Act out of Fear
Consume Love… Vibrate Love… Act out of love.
This is the reason I have delved so deeply into ~ Sound Healing ~ as of late. Understanding how frequencies interact with our emotions. Understanding how to make somebody feel a certain way through the melodies, tuning and textures of sound. How to resonate love instead of fear. How to heal through music.
174Hz - Healing Pain and Deep Sleep is the first of a series of 9 Solfeggio Frequency Sound Healing Tracks. It is specifically designed for pain relief and healing. It is a moment for you to step out of the incessant noise of the every day. It can be also turned on in times of anxiety or stress and especially when you are unable to sleep. It is non confrontational, melodic and endless. It creates this calm bliss of infinity that you can simply sink in to. The graphic depicts a circle pulsating in and out. This pulsation represents a simple breathing exercise known as resonance frequency breathing: 5.5 seconds in and 5.5 seconds out. Slow down and synchronise your breath to the circle and listen.